Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Listening to God for Direction

I am finding that the more I sit quietly for a moment...even just one little moment...I can hear the voice of my Lord telling me:

1. What to do

2. Which direction to take

3. When to go

It just takes a little practice and a lot of patience - listening for His voice.

But it is worth slowing down in order that I might really, truly hear Him, and only Him.

I have a few decisions coming in my life that require that I completely and totally hear Him. I am such an infopreneur at heart and I love blogging and podcasting and all that equals being online and making a difference, but in order to move forward with new plans, visions, and projects, I have to learn to let other things go.  And that has been the hardest for me these past few years.  Letting go of familiarity is always hard.

But knowing that as I let go, the Lord exchanges what is in my hand for something new, fresh, and anointed for the hour, is always a positive outcome that I look forward to reaching for.

My prayer to Him has always been, "Lord, I just want to be in your will - your PERFECT will".

My prayer will always remain.

So, I look forward to the new project that is brimming and about to push me over in a soulful explosion.  I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!  And although starting this new project (a huge one at that) will mean letting something else go, I am excited.

And as always, I will keep updated here at this blog about new projects, etc.

Off to go pray, relax, clean my house, and enjoy a nice beautiful day with my children.

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