Friday, December 16, 2011

Fun and Fieldtrips wrapup- Fall 2011

A wrap up of some of our fun this school year:

Z does art.  She loves finger painting.

Homeschool fieldtrip to the Apple Store.

 Lunchbreaks with my darling hubby and kids at the beach. Chilly, but beautiful.

 Trips to the Aquarium

Z's 4th birthday!

Donating our home-made turkey sandwiches to the food pantry over Thanksgiving.

Catching awesome sunsets on Thanksgiving

 Preparing our family presentation on Africa- the Congo- for Classical Conversations.

Another trip to the Aquarium

Z enjoys "Joyful Noise"- a sweet program for preschoolers at our local church.  I love to see her worshipping!

More fun at the beach.

 (Ny draws Fetch from "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman)

A trip to the Natural History Museum, Pacific Grove

Me- enjoying downtown Monterey before church service.

A trip to the My Museum. The girls are enjoying the "Imagination Station"

 (Enjoying theatrical productions.  Fun!)
 (my sweet little giraffe)

Wow, I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner.  We've had a full semester of field trips and outings.  It's been a blast.  
Can't wait to see what else is in store... :-)


  1. What a great assortment of pictures from homeschooling. I took my kids to an aquarium, too, and it was one of their favorite field trips ever!

  2. Susan, we really enjoy aquarium trips so much that we just bought a year's pass. Fun stuff! I'm following your blog now.

  3. Great pictures, looks like you guys are adjusting.


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